Paulo de Paula Espresso • Brazil

Paulo de Paula Espresso • Brazil
Paulo is the name of the eldest brother in the De Paula family. He runs the farm Sitio Sossego in the microregion of Brejetuba in Brazil. The De Paula family have been cultivating coffee since the early 2000s and have been important in placing their region of Espirito Santo on the specialty coffee map. They've won several awards for their ocffees over the years and we're very happy to be able to share their coffee with you.
This was a no-brainer for espresso with a sugary sweetness and balanced notes of fruit, chocolate and nuts. It's perfect for milk but we quite enjoy it as a straight espresso as well.
Milk chocolate, candied roasted almonds.
Region: Brejetuba, Espirito Santo, Brazil
Kultivar: Red and Yellow Catuaí
Høyde: 1120
Prosess: Washed
Råkaffe pris: €8.12
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